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I currently have 3 single-head embroidery machines. The reason for this is that single-head machines have been proven to produce better quality than multiple-head machines.
I could lie and say "No Job Too Big" but the facts are I just can't compete with multiple-head machines in producing a large quantity of product in a limited amount of time. However, if you place your orders in a timely manner, I can certainly meet your deadlines.
And that old argument that you can get a larger quantity for less is true if you really need that quantity and are willing to tie your money up in inventory. If, on the other hand, you would like to keep your money instead of gambling on inventory you may or may not be able to sell, talk to me. You may be surprised to find out that you can stock just what you need and get products as you need them at a very reasonable cost and in a timely fashion.

Talk to me about your embroidery needs: Email MIKE

See also: barcare.jpg (1745 bytes)

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