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Wood Carving

This set of six carvings was done for The Lutheran Church of Reconciliation in Ogden, NC. The church is on the coast and has a nautical theme, so I chose verses and symbols related to the ocean. They are each about 11 1/2 inches square.

recon1.gif (21082 bytes) recon2.gif (23086 bytes)
recon4.gif (19077 bytes) recon5.gif (20717 bytes)
recon3.gif (18411 bytes) recon6.gif (21621 bytes)



barhome.jpg (983 bytes)bardot.gif (72 bytes)baremb.jpg (1374 bytes)bardot.gif (72 bytes)bardig.gif (208 bytes)bardot.gif (72 bytes)bargrfx.gif (276 bytes)bardot.gif (72 bytes)bareng.gif (211 bytes)